This IC drives two motors through two channels, A and B. It comes in two IC packages: MultiWatt15 and PowerSO20.

The L298N is an integrated circuit that follows the H-bridge concept. This is very significant, especially when using an Arduino board where the 5V power source is simply not enough for two DC motors. The other benefit of using an H-bridge is that you can provide a separate power supply to the motors. On the other hand, when S2 and S3 are on, the right motor terminal is more positive than the left motor terminal, making the motor rotate in the other direction. When S1 and S4 are on, the left motor terminal is more positive than the right terminal, and the motor rotates in a certain direction. Here, the motor rotates in the direction dictated by the switches. The L298N motor controller follows the H-bridge configuration, which is handy when controlling the direction of rotation of a DC motor. 4 Connecting a DC Motor to the L298N Board.