Lego worlds how to get fire dragon egg
Lego worlds how to get fire dragon egg

lego worlds how to get fire dragon egg

To cause the egg to teleport, press attack while in Survival or Adventure mode (press use in Creative). Like other falling blocks, when the dragon egg is floating, it has black particles falling from it. The dragon egg can be placed on a non-solid block without falling. It does not suffocate mobs or players when it falls and covers them, nor does it crush mobs or players like anvils and stalactites do. When it is being affected by gravity and falling, it exhibits a smooth falling animation. The dragon egg, if there is no block below it, falls until it lands on the next available block. Heatmap of where a dragon egg lands after trying to mine it. The dragon egg is not immune to destruction by the ender dragon, despite being produced by it. When destroyed by an explosion, the block always drops as an item.

lego worlds how to get fire dragon egg

The dragon egg is a gravity-affected block, and drops as an item when pushed by a piston or when it falls onto a block less than a full block tall, such as a torch or a bottom slab. If all air blocks in that area are filled so there is nowhere for the egg to teleport to, or if it fails to find an air block after 1,000 attempts at teleporting, it can be mined. The dragon egg usually cannot be mined directly, as trying to do so causes it to teleport within a 31×15×31 volume centered on the egg, with locations toward the center more likely. In Bedrock Edition, two dragon eggs generate on top of the exit portal one generates when the first ender dragon is defeated, while the other generates when the second ender dragon is defeated. In Java Edition, a single dragon egg is generated on top of the exit portal when the first ender dragon is defeated. Across both Java and Bedrock editions, it can be obtained with pick block or the / give command, or placed in the world with commands such as / setblock and / fill. In Java Edition, the dragon egg is available in the Creative inventory.

Lego worlds how to get fire dragon egg